July 2018
Desarrollo de Sitios Web
Ahora que ha terminado el diseño de su sitio, debe implementarse en un entorno de desarrollo. Tendrá que comprar el nombre de dominio (o los nombres), suscribirse al servicio de alojamiento, instalar el programa necesario para configurar el diseño y la funcionalidad que eligió en su diseño, y luego debe probarse. Y probarse de nuevo.…
Diseño de Sitios Web
Si aún no tiene un sitio web, primero deberá tenerlo diseñado. Este plan requiere varios pasos: establecer los objetivos del sitio web, planificar lo que debe estar en el sitio para alcanzar esos objetivos, configurar su “marca” al decidir qué imágenes, fuentes, colores y diseño usar.
Sitios Web Saludables
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Mantenimiento de Sitios Web
Un sitio web saludable se mantendrá diariamente. Esto incluye la busqueda de actualizaciones para el programa principal, complementos y temas, aplicarlas al sitio y copias de seguridad realizadas y almacenadas fuera del sitio para prevenir la pérdida de datos en el caso de un problema de servidor de alojamiento o para migración o procesos de…
9. Appearance
Themes are the “look” of the site. They come in many “shapes and sizes” and have different features available. There are thousands to choose from, and most are customizable. I can also do a custom theme to your taste.
15 Features you should have on your website
Responsiveness Social Media SEO Optimization
SEO Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization aka SEO is rather important for your website to be found in search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo or any other similar website.These websites have specialized programming to get the best results to their clients. There are many ways to optimize a website, and these methods are either black-hat or white-hat,…
10. Social Media
Linking your website to social media, including but not limited to, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr and Google+ is a great way to magnify the exposure of your products, blog posts or any other content on your website.Social media sharing is the easiest and cheapest way to get the word out. They say the best advertising…
Seguridad del Sitio
Si tiene un negocio, ya sea en línea o en una tienda física, o ambos, y tiene o quiere un sitio web para ayudar a promocionar su negocio, ¿cuánto sabe usted para mantener su sitio web “sano”? Los sitios web se basan en software (líneas de códigos de lenguaje de programación que contienen, generan y…
8. Frequently Asked Questions
Website Maintenance
A healthy website will be maintained daily. This includes the site to be checked for updates in the core program, plugins and themes, have any updates applied to the site, and have backups made and stored off-site for prevention of data loss in the case of a hosting server problem or for migration or import…
7. Feedback
One important thing that helps visitors decide whether and what they want to do on your site is feedback from others. If you have collected any client’s comments before, you can add them to the site. Never underestimate the power of testimonials and reviews, even if they are negative. The positive will give proof of…
4. Action Map
The goal of any web page is for a visitor to do something: click on a link, read an article, subscribe to a list, or other action. Each page will have a different goal. What do you want your visitors to do? In what order do you want them to do it? How do you…
5. Mission Statement
You will also need a mission statement on your site, so that visitors will know what you are all about, why you are providing the product or service. This will need to be stated in a short and clearly understood paragraph or two. What is the reason you are in business or starting your business?…
6. Business data
You will need to provide certain data to your visitors, especially since you will want to interact with them to answer their questions, reassure their doubts, and give them food for thought. You will want to provide various methods of contacting you, as people are very diverse in their own habits. Some prefer social media,…